Long Island Historical Fencing Society
What is this fencing program all about?
LIHFS, which is short for the Long Island Historical Fencing Society, is a modern martial arts organization dedicated to studying, reconstructing and training with the German Longsword, the weapon central to Historical European Martial Arts (“HEMA”).
Our curriculum is based on the manuscript of 14th century German Master Johannes Liechtenauer, and includes teachings and practical application through hands-on instruction from our senior instructors.
Students will learn strategy and theory, solo drills, partnered exercises, and will fence with blunted steel and wooden long swords. We will also train with daggers, sword and bucklers, spear, wrestling and other period weapons.
It is our mission to study, recreate and practice the medieval German Kunst des Fechtens (the “Art of Fighting”), which was an incredibly complex and sophisticated martial arts system. Through our ongoing research, LIHFS will bring to life the teachings of the historical masters via our proprietary Curriculum, which is one of the most thorough and authentic programs available to the modern student.
LIHFS will also host seminars with other modern day masters to class from time to time as guest instructors to exchange ideas and share best practices.
Here’s the short version
- We are not a re-enactment or LARP organization.
- We are not a theatrical or ‘stage-fighting’ group.
- We are a martial arts group studying HEMA.
If you are interested in studying and practicing this celebrated, historically accurate medieval martial art, join us!
First Class is free
More info: lihistoricalfencing@gmail.com

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